February 22, 2007


Today is Isaac's "Gotcha Day". The day that we actually met our son. After two emotional and tiring days of travelling to Texas, we were now ready to meet Isaac. In Texas, the BM must wait 48 hours after birth before she can sign over her parental rights, and while we were in contact with T during these two days, we were still very cautious. We always wanted her to know that we would support her if she decided to not relinquish her rights. We were on pins and needles constantly (though in hind sight, we had nothing to worry about).

We spent that morning wandering around Houston, not sure when everything would start happening. Isaac was jaundiced and was having some sucking issues, so we weren't sure when he would be released from the hospital.

One of things that kept us going was knowing just how many people were praying for us. Our friends that work at Family Life ministries had the entire staff there praying, and our church had been praying for us during their staff meeting that morning, not to mention all of our friends and family.

Finally we decided to go get some lunch, though eating was out of the question. Just as we sat down at Subway, our phone rang and it was the SW calling to tell us to come to the hospital...of course we were not dressed yet!!! We raced back to the hotel, got cleaned up and drove the 20 minute drive to the hospital. We were soooooooooooooooooooooooooo nervous. When we got ther I ran to the bathroom, scared to go up to the room and meet our BM and her family. I just could not believe that this was finally happening, our time had come.

When we got to the hospital room, we were greeted by our BM mom with big hug and smiles. I will never forget all that went on in that room. T was so glad to meet us. I was so focused on her, I have to admit I barely remember holding Isaac for the first time. I do remember a special moment when T and I were both standing over Isaac in his bassinet and I told her how we were forever linked as the mother of this precious little boy. It is not a title that I would ever take from her, but that I share with her. From the moment we met her we were forever family. She is like our little sister and we love her with the bottom of our heart.

When we left the hospital, we were at a loss as we all travelled down to the enterance together and eveyone drove off leaving Chris and I with Isaac. We stood there trying to figure out how do you get a 6 pound baby in such a big car seat! It took us at least 10 minutes to realize that he could not be swaddled and in the car seat at the same time. The rest of the night is a blur as I just could not believe that we had a little baby!!! I kept looking at him and thinking, wow! he is my son.

We went to Red Lobster that night for dinner, and everyone there was amazed that we had a two day old baby out for dinner, but when you are living in a hotel, dinner is limited and you have to eat somehow! He was the star of the restraunt!

We now have a "Gotcha Day" tradition of going to Red Lobster for dinner every year on Isaac's Gotcha Day to celebrate.

This really was the day that it all started and one that I will forever remember as the day I met two angels, Isaac and his BM!

February 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Isaac!!!!

It was 2 years ago today, that the best two years of our life started. I was leaving church with Kayla in the car, when my phone began to ring. It was our BM's mother calling me to tell her that she had gone into labor...a month early!!! I about crashed the car, but was able to pull into a parking lot to talk and breathe. We talked for a few minutes, then I raced back up the hill (we were heading to Target) so I could get home and tell Chris. I ran up the stairs to ur front door, barely able to get it open and yelled "T is in Labor!!!!!!!!!!!!!" WE have another friend by this name that was three months pregnant and CHris says "that's a little early, what? I yelled, not that T!!! We sat nervously for a minute, and then realized we had not prepared for a boy and I knew that she could be in labor for a long time, so I needed to occupy myself while we waited. What better way to do that then to go shopping?

So Kayla and I headed back down to Walmart. I tried to call my mom while we were eating lunch at Quiznos, but they were just getting ready to get on a boat for a Mexican Cruise. I so desperatly needed to talk with her, and all I could do was a quick 5 minute conversation. We were not able to get a hold of her again until we were in Texas a few days later.

We then headed over to the Carters outlet and I ran around the store throwing any cute newborn boy things in my bag...I had no idea what was in there. At that moment, my phone rang. It was T, and she said....your son has been born, can you hear him crying (I am crying now as I write this). I about fainted right then and there. I went and stood in the corner and cried, I told the lady helping me "my son has just been born, and she looked at me really funny! T asked if we had a name to put on the birth certificate and we had not decided on one yet. I felt bad having to tell her we would call her back in 20 minutes! I paid for all the stuff I had, no idea what I was buying and raced home.

Chris and I had narrowed down our list of names and decided on Isaac in about 5 minutes. T liked it and was glad to know what to call him. We talked to her several more times that day, but also wanted to give her the time and space she needed to love on Isaac while we travelled there as fast as we could.

The rest of the day is a blur. We knew we needed to wait until Tuesday for the legal signing of Isaac, but we also knew we could not just sit here and wait. Our friends Brian and Susie came over and ordered dinner, helped us pack and she was a huge help booking us the best flights to get us to Houston. I have no idea how anything happened as I was in complete overwhelmed mode. I fell into bed late that night, not able to get a wink of sleep, wich was too bad as I would later see that I would not sleep again for the next 5 months!!!!!

Thank you to Alyssa our neighbor and friend for getting up at 5 am to drive us to the airport. We flew from Portland, to Seattle, to LA, to Dallas to Houston and got in to our hotel around 12 that night. Again, no sleep as I knew that the next day I would meet my baby!!!! What a whirlwind couple of days.

This is the last known photo of us without kids! (and its not so good, oh well)

And to think we are back to waiting for that one phone call that will make it all happen again...it is a little overwhelming, but wonderful to anticipate.

February 19, 2007

A "Curious" good time

Yesterday was Isaac's 2 year birthday Party (his actually bday is on tuesday) It is so hard to believe our little guy is two years old (more about that on tues.) We had a "Curious George" themed party that was a huge success.

When the kids entered they each got their picture taken beside Curious George and had their height marked on the measuring stick. They then colored monkey masks for the jungle hunt that we later went on to find hidden bananas.

Zander did well finding the Bananas on the "Jungle Hunt". He is such a cute little monkey boy!

Our special guest was the Man in the Yellow Hat, who came to read some Curious George stories to the kids! They loved him, and his hat!

I had made a Curious George cake and some cupcakes for the kids. Isaac was great this year, he smiled while we sang happy birthday and even blew out his candles!! He was so cute and clapped when he was done. (unlike last year where he cried the whole time)

I used Bananas as decorations, and the younger kids kept finding them and eating them...at least they are good for you! Even kids who don't normally like banana's got in on the action!

Isaac was so excited to have all of his friends over to play and just ran around all afternoon. It is so fun to see him play with other kids and interact with them. It shows just how much he has grown up. He has develped such a fun, humorous personality. I think he will be the class clown!! He loves to make people laugh.

Thanks to everyone who came and made this such a special day for Isaac. I hope you all had a great time. And a BIG EXTRA thanks to Angel for wearing that BIG yellow hat. You were a great sport! (He volunteered to do that without me even asking by the way!)

February 6, 2007

Super Bowl Fun

So we don't watch football the rest of the year, but we will take any excuse we can to have a party! And this year, I actually knew who was playing and what team I wanted to win...The Colts of course. (Our missionary organization, CMF, is in Indianapolis, so we have some ties there)

A good time was had by all, and hopefully the Chili did not come back to haunt anyone that evening, if so I hope you all purchased your "toot tone" (funny email from Alyssa if you did not get it) I never knew Angel was so good at the fine art of "chili presentation" That sure looks too good to eat.

The Half time show was ok, Prince was suprisingly entertaining. The guys were out playing catch in the front yard, while the girls talked and talked and talked some more. ( I don't think we actually watched any of the game.)

Keeley seemed to enjoy her first Super Bowl... (Shawn, make sure you give her the one with the nipple!)

Isaac was just overwhelmed by the whole thing and slept through most of it! He did throw a mean football after he woke up, maybe he will grow up to earn his parents millions!!! hehehe

February 3, 2007

Best Friends

Sorry it has been so long since I last posted....life seems to just get away from me. Looking back at these last posts, I laugh as it is now 50 degrees and we have been running around the backyard, playing with the ball and swinging on the swings.
I now have spring fever!

Yesterday we had a play date with our friend Olivia. Olivia is 3 months younger than Isaac and was adopted from the same agency in Texas as Isaac. We met her parents at a meeting here in Oregon and found out that they lived just around the corner from us. People often think they are twins or brother and sister! Isaac had so much fun having her over. He calls her livi Ah!! emphasis on the Ah! Isaac would give her things and say "peas" (please) He is a very polite little boy.

The first photo is of our little rock star playing a song for his girlfriend! Isaac is showing his musical side, he loves to drum on anything and actually has pretty good rythm, he also loves to crawl up onto the piano bench and play a song. (Again, no tune, but he is getting much more deliberate in the keys that he hits)
The second image is blury I know, but I just had to post it. These two love to kiss, and will have many good photos like this for their wedding slideshow! :-)hehehe.

The last photo is what happens after you play with your best friend for 2 hours. The minute they left, Isaac was sacked out on the couch, sound asleep! Nice for me too as I was worn out after playing with the two of them all afternoon.