March 21, 2008

Matthew and Movie night

This is a pretty random post...basically so I can post some cute pictures from the last few weeks. Matthew is closing in on a year, I can hardly believe are his 11 month pics that I took.

He is soooo smiley. He has finally started crawling and it has been an adventure. He basically has bashed his head into anything he can find and is currently sporting 3 big bruises. In one day he got two bruises and a bloody lip...poor little guy. That was the day after he fell and got a bloody tooth at the gym. Luckily he was fine and he didn't really seem to mind.

One of the traditions that we have at our house is Movie night. Isaac loves Movie night. Last week we rented "Peter Pan" because, of course, it has pirates in it. I love this pic of Isaac standing with his Popcorn box waiting for the Popcorn to be done. He gets so excited for popcorn.

All the boys settled down on the bean bag for the movie, and Bogey circled around waiting for the dropped popcorn, she was rewarded for her patience.

This is a picture of Isaac's St. Patricks day breakfast of green eggs, green honeydew melon and green milk....I think he thought I was weird for having him eat all this. :-)

I just have been hit lately with how big these boys have gotten. I am amazed that I can wake up in the morning and they both seem to have grown a foot overnight. Isaac is such a big 3 year old and amazes me daily with the things he says. Having him potty trained has been the best thing ever!!!!!

And now that Matthew is crawling he is so much more interactive. This morning he has been following me from room to room and talking up a storm. He says da-da and ma-ma a lot, but I don't think he knows what they mean yet.

March 7, 2008

First (2nd) Trip to the dentist!

Yesterday we took Isaac in for his first dental check up....but... Matthew yelled at him, Isaac got sad and cried, and then wouldn't let go of me to let anyone look in his mouth. Poor kid wouldn't even sit in the chair. So luckily they referred us to a great kid dentist and we were able to get an appointment for today. We had been reading books all week on going to the dentist and he was so excited. I was so suprised by his reaction yesterday.

So today we talked up the dentist a lot and how he could watch a video and play with toys. He was so excited to go. When we got there he enjoyed playing with the toys in the waiting area.

Once we got called back, he walked right into the room and asked where the toys were. The hygenist let him pick out a video, and he thought that was pretty cool. He explored the room, wandering around pointing things out. Once the video started he decided it was ok to sit in the chair if mommy sat with him. Sure! He was a great sport and pointed out the xray and the light to me.

When the dentist came in, he talked like a duck which made a huge hit with Isaac. Then he opened right up and let the dentist count his teeth and brush them.

No problems. Isaac has great healthy teeth, now if we can just get him to stop sucking his thumb so we keep them that way. (We will start working on that soon, but lets finish potty training first!)

Our cutie pie

I Can't get over how big Matthew is getting. Our friends have a 2 week old baby and seeing him makes me realize how fast this past year has been. In the last 3 weeks Matthew has finally been really healthy for the first time since November it seems. He has been really happy and laughing always. For the longest time he has not crawled, but rolled wherever he wanted to go. Just this past week, he has finally figured out how to crawl forwards. He still doesnt go far, and rolls around a lot, but he is definetly crawling.

He has also gotten 4 new teeth this week. That brings him up to a total of 12 teeth, before the age of 11 months!!!! Wow, he has a lot of teeth.

He has started trying to pull himself up to a standing position, but hasn't quite mastered it yet. But if you stand him up, he stays for a long time. He loves to stand at his "piano" and play music.

Here are the latest chic pics from Wednesday. They are now 2 weeks old and oh so big. We took them outside for the first time and they loved it, but were cold. Isaac's new fun job is to hunt in the backyard for worms to feed to the chickens. They go crazy for worms.
They have started to roost, and will jump to the top of their cage, or your shoulder when I take the lid off of their cage. While out in the backyard, Omelet took up permanant residence on my shoulder. So cute! I can't wait until they are able to be in the backyard permanently, running around and have more freedom. Soon, hopefully some time in April.