June 21, 2007

Do I look pretty mommy?

It was awfully quiet the other day. When I went to see what Isaac was doing, I found him with my tube of Mascara. I give him credit that he knew that it went on his eyes. (He loves to watch me put on my make-up) I also found that he had tried to color the television with it as well. You have to wonder about a quiet two year old, they are always up to something! :-)

June 13, 2007

Matthew Two months

It is hard to believe it has been two months since Matthew was born. Each day he changes and grows and our love for him grows too ! Life with him in our family seems complete. Each month we take a picture of him on our blue chair to gauge just how much he has grown. He is now 12.5 pounds, and growing like a weed.
As a comparison, here is Isaac at two months. Remember he was a month preemie, and did not start packing on the pounds until he was 4 months, at which time he porked out!!! At two months he was around 9 pounds (about what Matthew was when he was born) He obviously had a much different take on having his picture taken as well. :-) hehehe

Matthew is smiling all the time now and talks up a storm. This picture was taken on sunday and is one of the best smiling pictures I have seen on him. He really is a fun baby. Yesterday I could hear him cooing and Isaac would imitate him. It was really cute!

And yes there is a new look to the blog! I decided that pink no longer fit for a family with two boys. The picture is indeed our front porch in all its summer glory! The porch and the swing were big selling points for me. We love to sit out there and relax after doing yard work.

June 7, 2007

Video test

Hi. I'm just doing a little test. Here's Matthew starting to smile and talk!

1st annual Dunlop Family Beach Trip

Over Memorial day weekend, we went on our first family trip to the Oregon Coast. We found a cute little house to stay in that was only 113 steps from the beach. It was a 1/2 mile walk along the boardwalk in to town and a block off the beach. It was perfect for our little family.

We were greeted by these cute blocks when we arrived that said "Hi Christopher, Anne, Isaac and Matthew, Have fun in Seaside." It made us feel right at home. They had a huge bin of these blocks along with some wooden shaped blocks that Isaac loved playing with.
We lucked out with the weather, and while it was not hot, it was comfortably in the 60's. Matthew spent a lot of time in the front pack, being carried around and kept warm. He is a little cutie!
When we were down on the beach, Matthew had his own little pop up sun shade tent that kept him out of the wind and allowed him to sleep.
Isaac hadn't been to the beach since last year, and did not remember it. He loved the big sandbox and as daddy built sandcastles, Isaac enjoyed knocking them over.
Isaac's favorite thing to do was to play in the Ocean. He would run away from the waves laughing hysterically. He is a true Oregonian in that even though his feet were numb, he kept going back for more!
In the afternoons we would wander into town for Ice cream. Isaac got to rife on the Carousel . He was hesitant to get on it, but once it started up he loved it. He had been on it when he was little, but was too young to enjoy it.

Next to the Carousel is a hat store, Isaac had a good time trying on all the animal hats, his favorite though was the elephant! He was walking around making elephant noises.

Of course, no beach trip would be complete without Ice cream. Isaac loves it, but it sure does make a mess!!Isaac and daddy chillin out on the front porch, notice it was warm enough to wear shorts! Unfortunately for us it was in the 80's the day AFTER we left.

Matthew was very cute all weekend and finally started to enjoy his bouncy seat and playmat. He has grown from a newborn into a cute little boy that will smile and talk to you. This was really a fun time of bonding for us as a family, and will be an annual tradition!