March 7, 2008

First (2nd) Trip to the dentist!

Yesterday we took Isaac in for his first dental check up....but... Matthew yelled at him, Isaac got sad and cried, and then wouldn't let go of me to let anyone look in his mouth. Poor kid wouldn't even sit in the chair. So luckily they referred us to a great kid dentist and we were able to get an appointment for today. We had been reading books all week on going to the dentist and he was so excited. I was so suprised by his reaction yesterday.

So today we talked up the dentist a lot and how he could watch a video and play with toys. He was so excited to go. When we got there he enjoyed playing with the toys in the waiting area.

Once we got called back, he walked right into the room and asked where the toys were. The hygenist let him pick out a video, and he thought that was pretty cool. He explored the room, wandering around pointing things out. Once the video started he decided it was ok to sit in the chair if mommy sat with him. Sure! He was a great sport and pointed out the xray and the light to me.

When the dentist came in, he talked like a duck which made a huge hit with Isaac. Then he opened right up and let the dentist count his teeth and brush them.

No problems. Isaac has great healthy teeth, now if we can just get him to stop sucking his thumb so we keep them that way. (We will start working on that soon, but lets finish potty training first!)


Sovann Pen said...

Hey! I recognize that table :)
We've spent a fair chunk of time playing there before seeing the dentist.

Alyssa said...

Glad it finally worked out. He is such a big boy now...soon it will be time for Hayden's first check up too!